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変化の速い組込み業界において、私たちは研究およびイノベーションに向けた不断の努力が成功への重要な要素であると信じています。そのため、BTC Embedded Systemsは様々な研究・調査プロジェクトとパートナーシップを継続しています。

大学や研究機関、自動車および航空産業界のメンバーとの協力による成果はまさに、BTC Embedded Systemsが当初より目指してきた姿、すなわち「アカデミックと産業プロジェクトの間の橋渡しをし、組み込みソフトウェア開発の質と効率にインパクトを与えること」を表しています。


Oxford University Innovation Ltd

Oxford University Innovation Ltd(OUI)は、オックスフォード大学の技術移転会社です。オックスフォード大学の研究者の専門性を生かした技術的・科学的なコンサルティングサービスを外部企業に提供することを主要な活動の一つとしています。OUIのコンピュータサイエンス学科のDaniel Kroening教授とそのチームはBTC Embedded Systems AGにCプログラム用のCBMC有界モデルチェッカのコンサルティングサービスを提供しました。



DLR Institute of Systems Engineering for Future Mobility

オルデンブルクにあるDLR Institute of Systems Engineering for Future Mobilityは、自動化・自律化交通システムの開発・評価のための方法を研究しています。


Institute of Automatic Control of Leibniz University Hannover

Institute of Automatic Control of Leibniz University Hannoverでは、制御工学の現代的手法の開発とその様々な分野への応用、特に医療技術、システム医学、ロボット工学への応用に取り組んでいます。




Timeframe: 2022 – 2024
The ATLAS-L4 (Automated Transport between Logistics centres on highways, Level 4) research and development project combines expertise from industry, scientific research and infrastructure operators in hitherto unique ways to create an integrated approach to the operation of autonomous vehicles on public motorways and highways. ATLAS-L4 intends to demonstrate that the use of Level-4-automated and thus driverless vehicles on the highway is feasible, laying the foundation for innovative transport and logistics concepts. The project makes direct use of the new opportunities opened up by the legislation on autonomous driving passed in 2021, in which Germany is set to hold a worldwide pioneering position. In this way, ATLAS-L4 contributes both to the future-proof design of road freight transport and to strengthening Germany as a business location.

Project Partners:

MAN Truck & Bus SE, Knorr-Bremse AG, Leoni AG, Robert Bosch Automotive Steering GmbH, FERNRIDE GmbH, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte und integrierte Sicherheit AISEC, Technische Universität München, Technische Universität Braunschweig, TÜV SÜD, Autobahn GmbH 

KI Wissen

Timeframe: 2021 – 2023

“In the research project KI Wissen, methods for the integration of existing knowledge into the data driven AI functions of autonomous vehicles are developed and examined. The aim is to create a comprehensive ecosystem for integrating knowledge into training and securing AI functions.” 

Project Partners:

Continental, Bosch, Valeo, Altran, AVL, EFS, DLR, Fortiss, Fraunhofer, OFFIS and more


Timeframe: 2018 – 2021

BTC Embedded Systems is a member of the industrial advisory board of the Step-Up!CPS project. 

FZI, Universität Oldenburg, OFFIS, DLR, KIT, SafeTRANS

Industrial Advisory Board:

AVL LIST GmbH,BTC Embedded Systems AG, Denso Automotive Deutschland GmbH, DNV-GL Maritime Class Development, IAV GmbH Ingenieurgesellschaft Auto und Verkehr, NXP Semiconductor Germany GmbH, Vector Informatik GmbH


Timeframe: 2016 -2019

“Highly automated and autonomous systems in different domains (automotive, aerospace, rail, maritime, health care and farming) are all basically facing the same challenges. Exploding complexity, or a nearly infinite number of possible environmental scenarios that require consideration are just a few of them. The ENABLE-S3 consortium combines experts from six different domains with tool suppliers and academia in order to cope with the main testing challenges.”
Project partners:
Denso, Toyota, Renault, Valeo, Magneti Marelli, Airbus, DLR, IBM, Thales and many more


Timeframe: 2015 -2018

“Future mobility solutions will increasingly rely on smart components that continuously monitor the environment and assume more and more responsibility for a convenient, safe and reliable operation. Currently, the single most important roadblock for this market is the ability to come up with an affordable, safe multi-core development methodology that allows industry to deliver trustworthy new functions at competitive prices. ASSUME will provide a seamless engineering methodology, which addresses this roadblock on the constructive and analytical side.” 

Project partners:
Airbus, Daimler, Scania, Bosch, Sagem, Snecma, MES, OFFIS and many more


Timeframe: 2016 – 2018
The use of advanced methods to solve practical and industrially relevant problems by computers has a long history. Whereas sSymbolic Computation is concerned with the algorithmic determination of exact solutions to complex mathematical problems, more recent developments in the area of Satisfiability Checking tackle similar problems but with different algorithmic and technological solutions. Currently the two communities are largely disjointed and unaware of the achievements of the other. This project initiated a wide range of activities to bring the two communities together. Combining the knowledge, experience and technologies of these communities will enable the development of radically improved software tools.
Project partners:
University of Oxford, University of Freiburg, University of Oldenburg, Maplesoft, Microsoft Research and many more


Timeframe: 2011 – 2014

“ARTEMIS project MBAT provides European industry with a new leading-edge V&V technology in form of a Reference Technology Platform (MBAT RTP) that will enable the production of high-quality and safe embedded systems at reduced cost in terms of time and money. This will be made possible by a new and very promising approach in which model-based testing technologies will be combined with static analysis techniques.” 

Project partners:
Daimler, Airbus, AVL List, EADS, Siemens, Thales Aleniaspace, Volvo and many more


Timeframe: 2009 – 2012

The embedded safety-critical systems design and development industry is facing increasing complexity and a variety of systems and devices, coupled with growing regulatory constraints while costs, performance and time to market are constantly challenged. CESAR will bring significant and conclusive innovations in the two most improvable systems engineering disciplines:

-Requirement engineering in particular through formalization of multi viewpoint, multi criteria and multi level requirements,

-Component based engineering applied to design space exploration comprising multi-view, multicriteria and multi level architectural trade-offs. 

Project partners:
Airbus, ABB, AbsInt, Astrium, Delphi, EADS, Infineon, Siemens, Volvo and many more


“The transfer project DeCoDe aims at the efficient and precise detection of dead code in reactive, control-oriented and floating–point dominated C programs. This includes especially those derived from Simulink/Statefow models of embedded control applications via automatic C-code generation as well as those hand-coded according to guidelines as imposed in the embedded domain.”
Project partners:

University of Oldenburg, University of Freiburg, SICK AG


