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Test Solutions for Model-based Development

How can I create the needed millions of scenarios?

How can I avoid the test explosion problem?

How can I find out if my tests are passed or failed?

BTC Embedded Systems

News & Events




Leif Driebold

The 15th AUTOSAR Open Conference, which takes place from June 11-12th, 2024 in Tokyo, Japan, and this year’s motto is “Global software solutions for future mobility challenges.”

Taichi Ando

Markus Gros

In this free webinar, Taichi Ando and Markus Gros introduce "Formal Test" as a highly automated approach to get maximum value from existing data with minimal effort.

Taichi Ando

This training will show you how to perform Back-to-Back Testing on BTC EmbeddedPlatform. (Language: Japanese)


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Sharing insights on embedded software development, model-based design, automatic code generation and ISO 26262 compliant testing.